Mindfulness Ministries is an alternative ministry affiliated with Unity Worldwide Ministries. Founded in 2004, we are incorporated in the state of Missouri as a nonprofit organization. All donations are tax deductible.


Mission & Purpose

  • Mindfulness Ministries is a multifaceted ministry, designed for, and dedicated to the spiritual awakening of all persons seeking to discover their true nature. This ministry provides programs and services that facilitate the process of awakening.

  • The underlying premise of our work is that there is only One Presence and One Power, God, the Good, and that our present moment awareness is the foundation for our journey home to the full experience of this Divine Presence within. Self-awareness and self-acceptance are the keys to discovering our (seemingly) lost divinity.

  • The spiritual journey is a highly personal experience; and yet it is very difficult to sustain the journey without the support of spiritual teachings, teachers, and spiritual friends. This ministry seeks to provide that support for all those drawn to our work.

Programs & Services

We offer guest speaking at Unity Churches as well as a variety of retreats, seminars and programs including topics such as Insight Meditation, Contemplative Practice, Enneagram studies, the Quest for Wholeness, Conscious Evolution, and Living Originally. We also offer spiritual mentoring to individuals and to groups.

To request more information or schedule a presentation, please contact Robert here.