

Remembering Who You Truly Are: 101 Teachings on Meditation, Mindfulness & Spiritual Awakening

Remembering Who You Are cover

This book weaves together 101 of Robert’s teachings compiled from more than a decade of his blog post writings. Explore these interspiritual mindfulness practices for awakening in your own life.

This ebook is available to read online or to download to your own device. It is available on a dana basis (dana is the Pali word for “generosity.”) You will have the opportunity to donate to the causes Robert supports or to the organization of your choice.

Living Originally: Ten Spiritual Practices to Transform Your Life


This book describes how our deepest problems stem not from the world but from a false sense of self. Using the books 10 spiritual practices you can rediscover your Origin- your True Self. As you master the practices you will be transformed from a false sense of self defined by your needs and the strategies to fulfill them, into a higher consciousness.

Living Originally was published in 2013 by Unity Books. (Readers of this book have access to an online facilitator's guide and to online guided meditations created by the author.)

To watch a video interview with the author, click here>

Birthing a Greater Reality: A Guide for Conscious Evolution


This book is your navigational guide for releasing the old way of living, entering the ground level of your being and emerging as a conscious co-creator of your reality and an active participator in global transformation. As you align your heart’s deepest desires with the direction of evolution you will become a vehicle for raising global consciousness.

 Birthing a Greater Reality was published in 2010 by Unity Books.


The Quest for Wholeness: Healing Ourselves, Healing Our World

This book takes the idea of wholeness beyond healing or personal fulfillment into the realization of our true Self. It explores healing and wholeness from a personal, relational, and global level. This book works from the premise that we are spiritual beings having a human experience and that our suffering is the result of having identified exclusively with our humanity.

The Quest for Wholeness was published by Unity Books in 2002 and was the third in the Continuing Quest series.


Finding Yourself in Transition: Using Life’s Changes for Spiritual Awakening

This book explores the spiritual opportunities inherent in life’s changes and helps you to discover how to use transition as a gateway to greater personal and spiritual growth.

Strands of psychology, eastern and western mysticism, Bible interpretation, and personal history are integrated to provide frameworks, techniques, and inspiration that can lead to a breakthrough into a whole new dimension of living.

Winner of the 1998 Athena Award, this book was published by Unity Books in 1995.