Robert Brumet

On Being the Author of Your Life

Being the Author of Your Life is a spiritual practice which can deepen your awareness of your own true nature. To understand this practice it is helpful to be familiar with a concept known as the Omega Point. It was first hypothesized by Teilhard de Chardin (1881- 1955) who was a French priest, philosopher and renowned paleontologist. Telihard developed a theory that recognized the evolution of consciousness as well as the evolution of physical forms. He hypothesizes that all things have an interior and exterior dimension, and that as life evolves into greater complexity of form (exterior) it also evolves in the quality of consciousness (interior).  Consciousness is evolving toward a time when humanity (and eventually all creatures) will unite with the divine. He referenced this hypothetical point in time as the Omega Point. Evolution is not pushed by the past but is being pulled by the future— toward Omega.

The practice of Being the Author of Your Life uses Teilhard’s theory in a very personal way. It sees this model of evolution as a blueprint for our individual lives as we each evolve toward Omega.

This practice also sees life as a grand drama in which we are each playing an individual role. In Shakespeare’s play, As You Like It, the character Jacques begins a rather long monologue by stating that “All the world is a stage and all men and women in are merely players.” This sets the stage (pun not intended) for our individual practice.

Being the Author of Your Life is living your life as if you were the lead character in a play authored by your Omega Self. This Omega Self is your personal connection with the One; it is your own divine nature. With this practice you live as if you are both the author and the lead character in a drama called your life. (Most often we are identified with the character in the drama and forget that we have written the script!)

This practice does not address “what is really true” in the ontological or metaphysical sense. It simply accepts this hypothesis (for a period of time) as the basis for your spiritual practice.

While doing this practice you must suspend all blame, guilt, and any belief in the reality of injustice. You just live your life as you normally would—only you see it as a drama, and yourself as a character. Your job is to play your role as impeccably as you can—while also holding the awareness that you (Omega-Self) wrote the script.

As you maintain this practice in your everyday life your identity will gradually shift from the personal self to the Omega Self. This will occur because you and Omega are not separate, you are one and the same. (They do appear different from a limited perspective of being totally identified with his or her role as human.)

As you engage the practice you will also begin to see ways in which you are attached to the personal self, as well as ways which you resist the natural unfolding of your life story. Your work is to simply recognize this and observe it without judgment. You don’t need to change a thing as far as how you live your life. Just do, think, and feel as you naturally would--but see it through this new lens.

You can act as if everything matters and you can live your life to the fullest. Author Carlos Castaneda’s teacher, Don Juan, attempted to teach him a similar practice, which he referred to as controlled folly. Don Juan speaks of one who lives this practice as a “man of knowledge. He describes this person’s actions: “A man of knowledge chooses any act, and acts it out as if it matters to him. His controlled folly makes him say that what he does matters and makes him act as if it did, and yet he knows that it doesn’t; so when he fulfills his acts he retreats in peace…. “[1]

Notice when you feel a sense of freedom or empowerment resulting from this practice. As you gradually shift identity from ego to Omega-self you will begin to experience a sense of peace, freedom and power that is unlike anything accessible to the personal self. You then experience Omega as a timeless reality that resides at the core of your being. Your life will never be the same.

[1] Carlos Castaneda A Separate Reality: Further Conversations with Don Juan.  (New York: Simon & Schuster, 1971) p 85.